Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Fabulous February and Meaningful March! Miss Lindsay PM

We have had some very interesting adventures!  We learned about space, had a Valentine's Day party, made personal pizzas, and studied dinosaurs and volcanos.  We also learned how to care for our teeth, had a sweet shop, pizza shop, vet clinic and then a doctor's office in our imagination area.  We built some amazing traps to try to catch the leprechaun, then added mythical and magical creatures and their small world homes to our play area. We ended March with eggs, nests, bunnies, child built obstacle courses, and the Chicken Dance!

Space Week!

Alien fingers

Making our own planets.

So funny that I caught her not loving the smell of glue sticks.

Valentine's fun

Making personal pizzas.

Our Valentine theme:  I Love you to Pizzas!

Waiting for the doughnut fairy to deliver while they slept.

Dinosaurs and volcanoes.

Dental health week.

Nest making

Working our core and balance on the slackline.

Our vet clinic segued into a doctor office.

Comparing our bodies to x-rays.

More balance work.

She spent a long time creating the perfect look for ther friend.

Trying to catch the rainbow.

Leprechaun traps are serious business!

It's so fun to see the wheels turning and hear the plans they have
for their traps.

Scissor practice.

Spontaneous requests for chalkboards so they could
practice writing. Success soars when it is their idea. 

Searching for the perfect items for the outdoor 
arts and crafts shelf.

He always keeps us smiling


Fabulous February and Meaningful March! Miss Lindsay PM

We have had some very interesting adventures!  We learned about space, had a Valentine's Day party, made personal pizzas, and studied di...